Mission Satement

To restore balance and harmony to the body mind and spirit by relieving residual pain and suffering and by treating disharmony and relevant symptomology using the ancient art of acupuncture, qigong and the transformative nature of ayurvedic and Chinese herbal medicine.
To educate and empower individuals to truly embody the harmonic resonance of their unique constitution and to intuitively integrate natural healing principles into one’s daily life to foster joy, internal peace and meaningful living.
To assist others in reconnecting to Nature and to understand the mental and emotional causes of disease and how to foster alignment to the outer and inner cosmos.
Compassionate Care ~ Education ~ Experience
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
"East Asian Medicine is the natural medicine of the Heart. Its holistic sparks underlie the original foundations of what is currently known as “functional and energetic medicine.” Classical Chinese Medicine is the alchemical alignment of the physical body dynamic with heart-mind and spirit to effectuate lasting transformative change.
I am deeply honored and grateful to all of my teachers in the ancient and evidence-based traditions of Chinese Medicine, Qi Gong, Ayurvedic Medicine, Tantra and Yoga for giving me an opportunity to deeply study and integrate these teachings so that I might be more available to serve others.
My own passionate quest and need for healing and transformation has led me to devote a great portion of my life to the intense study of ancient medical systems and to understand on a visceral level the cause of disease and suffering. Having survived two near death experiences and debilitating immune collapse (in addition to severe childhood asthma), an innate desire to heal on a cellular level has actively inspired my true vocational “calling" to help others achieve a life free from pain and the cultivation of a greater sense of peace, joy and ease. I have gone very deeply into these ancient medicines and they have been instrumental in healing and cure.
In addition to having over 20 years of professional experience as a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) and an Advanced Certified Yoga & Ayurvedic Therapist & Teacher, it was a deeper longing and dedication to the “essence” of healing and service that led me to pursue non-traditional medical school.
I have a Clinical Doctorate in Oriental Medicine - the highest level credential within my field offered in the United States. During my 6 years of full-time, in-residence study (4,776 hours) at the prestigious National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in Portland, Oregon, I also completed additional training in Naturopathic Medicine, Western Herbalism, Qi Gong and Emotional Healing."