Massage And Bodywork Therapist In Asheville, NC Paula Easton

Massage and Body Work

Therapeutic and deeply rejuvenating sessions designed to work on all layers of the physical, mental and emotional bodies to elicit a transformative sense of connection and well-being.

Your body is a cellular memory bank for all your emotions and thoughts. Holistic bodywork is an intelligent experience that comprehends much more than simply smoothing out the knots and tangles of stressful living (although it must do this!); it balances the underlying emotional framework that gives rise to the knots in the first place.

This is a comprehensive therapeutic and deeply rejuvenating session designed to work on all layers of the physical, mental and emotional bodies to elicit a transformative sense of connection and well-being. It supports blood and lymph circulation, improves immune functioning and general overall improved muscle function and mood support and control.

I am a Doctor-Bodyworker with over 20 years mastery in direct hands-on experience employing multiple modalities creatively. I combine Ayurvedic massage, Trigger point work, Shaking, Breath work, organic oils, steam hydrotherapy PLUS ACUPUNCTURE or acupressure and/or cupping. Tailored aromatherapy, Tuning forks and auricular therapy is also used.

Custom Therapeutic Bodywork

1 hour (60 minutes)

Custom Therapeutic Bodywork

1 1/2 hours (90 minutes)

Custom Therapeutic Bodywork Asheville NC

Heat Cupping Asheville NC

Scraping Massage Asheville NC

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Keith – Back Massage Asheville NC

Keith – Feet Massage Asheville NC