Gay Pride in Times of Chaos

Dr Keith Loop General Blog

When I was younger, I thought Gay Pride was only about:
——Being able to Love whomever you choose and the Freedom to live openly without fear or condemnation,
——About Tolerance and the right to simply Exist. Basic human rights.
——I also felt Shame about celebrating out in the open due to fear of the plethora of reprisals, not to mention my own feelings of inadequacy, self-hatred and non-acceptance, brought on by an intolerant and dangerous world.
—-I will always Remember that we had to demand inclusion because of the abuse and shunning from society, even though I might not agree or understand all aspects of expression. Tolerance is also allowing the pain to emerge in pubic and having compassion to try to see things from a different vantage point and to step into the shoes of our brethren.

As I age, I have realized that Gay Pride is essentially about Self Love.
——It is about Belonging to my True Nature and not being ashamed about the Light that moves through, in and around me at all times.
——It is about being authentic to that which I cannot change and bears the Truth of fiery acceptance born through pain and anguish.
——Realizing that my Self Love does not depend on your approval, whether personal, emotional or spiritual, but that tolerance, civility, dignity and acceptance demand that my basic humanity should not be diminished by your arrogance, hatred or fear.

I choose Love today and every day, in this moment, and each and every moment.
I choose God Consciousness Today and the Good that follows from that awareness.

I do not accept your blame or arrows of projected anger dipped in poisonous illusion.
I will not participate in your greedy and private knowledge of God— the particuliers of which I leave you to wade in the narrow channels alone. I will hold fast to the Oceans of Divine Bliss that linger on the shores of eternal and global connection.

I have endeavored to understand the tenure or your intolerance, hate, and abuse; however, your forceful choices do not obliterate Truth.
God speed as you Face your demons just as I must face my own.
To be born is to be worthy of Love, Connection and Understanding.
You are not special and neither am I.

I will no longer hide or harbor the shame of your cruelty, torture and abuse.
Your choices are your own in that regard.
I will ride the same river of life as equals and help you heal if you ask or need assistance,
but I am no longer available for your ridicule, imprisonment, abuse or abandonment.
I will no longer lose myself in the name of your feigned acceptance.
I forgive myself for allowing your destructive thoughts and behavior to affect my Godly nature.

Perhaps it is time to build a bridge and meet in the middle?
You have areas to heal and nurture to accept your True Nature as well, right?
but Love has not been withheld or shunned at your basic core. Or has it?
Societal tolerance is something that feels more comfortable, and provides ease and joy
engendering the potential for creative and nurturing bonds. Will you allow for it?

You may wish to deny this opportunity to me and
I might not be able to dissuade your harmful thoughts, beliefs or actions,
But I do choose and solemnly vow to no longer internalize your judgment and hatred
or your false attachment and selfish possession of God.

I can accept that you might not agree with the Essence of my Nature
But I choose now to not be “less than” so you can avoid feeling uncomfortable.
I will respect you, but you must also respect me.
We are different in our Sameness.
More Alike Than Different down to the DNA.

I release you to your Higher Power as I release myself.
In the light of Love, All is forgiven
I will Let Go and Let God more and more
Pride, Peace and Love for us all
Greater Love, Understanding and Grace in the here and now.

Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi
Let Peace Prevail

Keith (Dr. Loop, OMD)

“I am here to help you heal”

with Deep Love and Great Respect, I honor my Heart my Inner Teacher. Namaste

June 5, 2022