
As a lifelong student of holistic and energetic techniques, I have studied many ancient systems of medicine and natural healing including Traditional Chinese Medicine, Naturopathic and Functional Medicine, Ayurveda, Tantra, Yoga, Buddhism, Breath techniques, Meditation and Energy healing. You can learn more about my training and experience here.

I provide patients with customized medical and balanced holistic treatments using many modalities based in the physical and energetic sciences. 

The Initial Visit

The initial visit to this office includes a thorough medical history and exam, as well as the appropriate treatment for your condition. I will look at your tongue, feel your pulse, perform a body scan and functional impairment analysis. I have studied many pulse traditions and it is an important tool for identifying many imbalances in the organ and tissue systems and opportunities to help restore proper Qi functioning and communication within the body-mind system.

Time spent in the initial visit allows me to become thoroughly acquainted with both the individual and the unique facts and terrain of the underlying health problems. For this reason, this initial visit generally takes about 1.5 hours.

Since Traditional Chinese Medicine is a holistic medicine, we must consider all of the contributing factors to arrive at a sound diagnosis and treat all of the factors that play a part in the origin and perpetuation of the condition- thereby treating the “root and branch” of the dis-ease or chronic injury. The exception to this rule occurs when the new patient is relatively healthy, but seeking a treatment of maintenance or a preventive medical protocol (“wellness visit”).

For the diagnosis, it is best to bring any documents from prior physicians, especially radiology reports, laboratory analysis, and specialist reports. Information is valuable and all medical traditions are honored and supported in an integrated manner. A list of medications being used is also helpful.

It is always best for the patient to fully understand their diagnosis from a Chinese Medical perspective, so that their health care can be managed optimally. Traditional Chinese Medicine integrates well with standard medicine and the treatment of your medical doctors.

After becoming acquainted with the aspects of your individual problem through interview and exam, treatment may consist of:

  • Acupuncture stimulation (Classical and Trigger Point); local and systemic
  • Direct physiotherapy, called Tui Na or other bodywork modality
  • Auricular (ear) or scalp therapy
  • Electro-acupuncture
  • Channel palpation and balancing
  • Laser Light Therapy, PEMF/Pulsed Electro Magnetic Frequency, rose quartz crystal and obsidian crystal bed and Biophoton therapy
  • Tens Therapy or High frequency
  • Custom topical herbal liniments, oils and tinctures
  • Moxibustion therapy

In addition, topical herbs and prescription of oral herbal medications and nutritional supplements may be needed to increase effectiveness. These are always patient choices. I am adept at applied kinesiology muscle testing to verify underlying specific patterns. This also affords another intuitive support layer to ensure your body is in alignment with the treatment approach taken.

Instruction in targeted yoga stretches, exercise, qigong, breath techniques or dietary protocols, as well as energetic and stress reduction techniques, are also available. Patients who spend the time and take a proactive approach to their health problems achieve the best results.

Ongoing Treatment

Each future appointment will be customized according to your treatment plan and any current issues. I will typically provide a combination of treatments during each visit. If additional bodywork is required, a small surcharge will be added to the session with patient’s consent.

Virtual Appointments

Virtual appointments (or telemedicine) via phone or video are available for some services, including herbal medicine consultations, qigong, breath and health coaching.

Discount Packages

Discount packages are available for more consistent and ongoing treatment either in acute or chronic care.

I can customize a more specific cleansing and rejuvenation program or retreat tailored to your specific needs and time constraints (eg. Pancha Karma or other time or body specific needs or concerns).