Chinese Medicine @ Ancient Gateway to your current Whole Health Empowerment

Dr Keith Loop Chinese Medicine, Energy Medicine, General Blog

Chinese medicine is so adept at creating full body meditative awareness that helps one to adjust, synchronize and let go. Discernment is the key to determining which is which And sometimes the answer is to live the question. When systems are balanced, insight dawns. Chinese Medicine is ancient gateway to your current Whole Health Empowerment …

No Mandates In Healing

Dr Keith Loop Energy Medicine, General Blog, Philosophy

In my clinic I DO NOT DISCRIMINATE against others based on race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, ancestry, marital status, military status, etc. Nor do I discriminate based on POLITICAL PARTY OR VACCINATION STATUS. In my clinic I DO NOT MANDATE –I may however encourage you to connect with your individual Heavenly …

Qigong with Dr Loop OMD

Dr Keith Loop Energy Medicine, Events, General Blog

Qigong with Dr Loop OMD Every Thursday at 1:30 PM (outside if weather permits) Asheville Yoga Center Available to all ages and abilities. About Qigong Qigong (or alternatively chi gung, qi gong or chi kung) is an ancient form of gentle, rhythmic exercise and meditation accompanied with directed breathing techniques that help to cultivate oneā€™s …