12 Healing Principles @ Dr. Loop, OMD (2 of 12)

Dr Keith Loop Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, General Blog, Philosophy, Spirituality & Consciousness

This is the SECOND of 12 Core Healing Principles that form the foundation of my healing philosophy. They are not only aspirational, but ones that I actively cultivate in my daily interactions with each and every patient. Your health, wellness and vitality are important to me.  I have actively sought out healing traditions and studied with some of the elite masters in the fields of Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Naturopathy, Tantra and Yoga.


Doctor as Teacher (DOCERE)

Doctor derives from the Latin “Docere” which means “To Teach”

This concept is incredibly significant to me because it describes EMPOWERMENT.  When a client-patent takes control of their health, they stand firmly at the helm of core decision-making choices that are ongoing and complex. They empower themselves to take responsibility for these choices by understanding their bodies in deep and profound ways. In this way, you are not just a powerless vessel of a passive 15 minute interaction, but THE central player about in defining your body’s needs.  You can then coalesce YOUR team of experts that can help you achieve a desired state of health and balance.

I was incredibly fortunate to secure my Medical Doctorate in Oriental Medicine from the National University of Natural Medicine, the oldest naturopathic college (“in residency”) in the nation! I also spent an additional year learning from the “old school” naturopaths in the school clinic, in the wilderness and their private clinics. It is my honor and calling to endeavor to step into the shoes of a high-level scholar physician. This is a path of education, empowerment, service and self-cultivation.

According to classical Chinese scholar-physician Sun Si Miao, the process of becoming a “high level physician” involves extreme concern and care in treating the root cause of disease. The true root cause of dis-ease is a disconnection from Spirit. This disconnection from Spirit (God, Nature, Divine, Void, Source etc) can have a wide variety of causes and manifestations.

Stepping into the power of our bodies is an ongoing educational process that nurtures our most important relationship, i.e., the one to ourselves.  By going deeper into ourselves we slowly begin to understand the purpose of our life, our strengths and weaknesses and how we go out of balance and what we need to heal to achieve balance.  As we clear negative patterns and limiting beliefs, we also move closer to a nurturing Source reservoir of Godly or Spiritual or Natural Guidance.

I teach my client-patients about their constitution, and what activities, thought patterns, therapies and herbs will help restore balance and create an environment for self-love and flow within their electromagnetic web of power and insight.

  • Stay Dedicated to your healing and resolving core wounds.
  • Focus on the Positive and be Grateful for simple pleasures and connections.
  • Commit to helping yourself and others on your journey to remembering Wholeness.
  • Be Sincere in your thoughts, words and actions.
  • Be Compassionate and Kind in your day to day interactions.
  • Devote yourself to Self Study and cultivating your places in the Cosmos.
  • Remember you are Divine Being worthy of Love.

My healing philosophy and core beliefs and principles around what is possible to achieve in the body-mind-spirit complex have evolved over many years of ups and downs of experimental and deeply connected personal struggles with health, plus the clinical applications of natural medicines in medical school, and the importance of actual integration of natural truths into my own life and ever-evolving professional career as Doctor of natural medicine. I am continually inspired and motivated by the courage and love of my patients, clients and friends who hold universal and natural laws so close to their Heart and Being.

The Acupuncture Healing Clinic of Asheville –  Dr. Loop, OMD is now offering Integrative Acupuncture and Custom Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulations, Ayurvedic Treatments, One-on-One Medical Qi Gong Training, Comprehensive Medical Care & Treatment and much more. If you’re dealing with stress & anxiety, depression, insomnia, digestive or immune issues, infertility, migraines, back or chronic pain or another health problem, Please call me – Dr. Loop, OMD. “I am here to help you heal.”