12 Healing Principles @ Dr. Loop, OMD (1 of 12)

Dr Keith Loop Chinese Medicine, Energy Medicine, Philosophy, Spirituality & Consciousness

This is the first of 12 Core Healing Principles that form the foundation of my healing philosophy. They are not only aspirational, but ones that I actively cultivate in my daily interactions with each and every patient. Your health, wellness and vitality are important to me.  I have actively sought out healing traditions and studied with some of the elite masters in the fields of Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Naturopathy, Tantra and Yoga.


First, Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere)

In seeking to effectuate a therapeutic treatment plan, I first consider how I can affect healing change in the most gentle manner without employing overly invasive or disruptive means.  This of course depends on the person I am treating in the moment we are together.  In order to first do no harm, I step outside my own bias and listen to the patient, their desires and concerns, and objectively read their bodily signs and signals (e.g.,pulse, tongue, fascia, and functional movement patterns etc.) to discern how to proceed.

I try not to force or project an agenda based on the past, but instead use experience and knowledge to follow me into a more  liminal (or numinous) space of the present moment to help elicit the most meaningful course of action. Often simple, small changes can pack the most powerful punch. Harm is not just about aggression or intention to do harm, sometimes a good intention can have a harmful result. I sincerely try to avoid causing intentional or unintentional harm by accessing my higher guidance and trying to attune to that of the patients.

Balancing energy is a big part of what I try to accomplish with each and every one that comes to see me. Sometimes, change and healing happens quickly and sometimes it occurs over and extended time period. Yet achieving Balance in the present moment is an essential means to respect the entire body-mind-spiritual complex of an individual. Also, this allows me to be available as a healing resource. in the here and now.  The higher aspects of healing unfold like a coil and attainment to the correct layer of current imbalance is important as well.

I try to be loving and soul-sensitive, and yet willing to be available in the uncomfortable healing moments so that safety and trust are established. I view the healing encounter as a “sacred space” between practitioner and patient and am very grateful to be a servant in this regard. I am also deeply indebted to all the doctors and healers that have held this space for me in my rather intense and complicated forays into the pinnacle of healing endeavors.

My healing philosophy and core beliefs and principles around what is possible to achieve in the body-mind-spirit complex have evolved over many years of ups and downs of experimental and deeply connected personal struggles with health, plus the clinical applications of natural medicines in medical school, and the importance of actual integration of natural truths into my own life and ever-evolving professional career as Doctor of natural medicine. I am continually inspired and motivated by the courage and love of my patients, clients and friends who hold universal and natural laws so close to their Heart and Being.

The Acupuncture Healing Clinic of Asheville –  Dr. Loop, OMD is now offering Integrative Acupuncture and Custom Chinese Herbal Medicine Formulations, Ayurvedic Treatments, One-on-One Medical Qi Gong Training, Comprehensive Medical Care & Treatment and much more. If you’re dealing with stress & anxiety, depression, insomnia, digestive or immune issues, infertility, migraines, back or chronic pain or another health problem, Please call me – Dr. Loop, OMD. “I am here to help you heal.”