Keeping the “Spirit” (Shen) in the Medicine

Dr Keith Loop Chinese Medicine, Energy Medicine, Philosophy, Spirituality & Consciousness

Keith’s Fire Video



It is a time when the Spirit is being taken out of everything and being

Shunned as outdated, fringe, corruptible, irrelevant and/or unimportant.

I am not Ashamed to keep Spirit at the rightful Center position in a medicine that

has evolved over thousands of years.


Spiritual Belonging-ness is the Absolute Center of How I Live and Practice 

and How I relate to the core teachings of Classical Chinese & Ayurvedic medicines, Tantra and Yoga.


The Spirit is not corrupt.

It is humans that corrupt the light in their falls from Grace.

We forget the importance of our Heavenly Nature and unique mission of Being.

The Shen (Spirit and Mind in Chinese Medicine) is like a beacon of Divine Light 

that calls one to acknowledge that it is only by direct 

and consistent alignment with our Creator that 

we encompass our full potential and align 

with our deepest purpose for living and caring on this Planet.


I love how Classical Chinese Medicine moves Spirit to the front and center.

This is a non-dogmatic that aligns with our highest vibration for Self-Love and Divine-Love.

One that encourages our highest potential and resonance and one that calls us into more evolved aspects of our

potential. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a term that came about after the Cultural Revolution in China

when culture and climate were trying to distance itself from some of the more ethereal and shamanic roots of

the medicine. It was viewed as more important to extract the data lab points in a diminutive process to

effectuate a perceived better, and more mechanical and functional perspective; a medicine that comports with

perceived desirable norms and attitudes and denotes alignment with Western sensibilities for documentable

“evidence-based” standards. One might also claim a more valid “scientific” engagement and not so energetic or

hard to label or pin down. In essence, we caved to a materialistic viewpoint that

continues to pervade all aspects of life. Yet Newtonian physics is giving way to quantum bolts of reality.


But it is with correct alignment that the medicine comes alive.. I will say Energetic alignment.. As there is no

judgment in Nature only yin and yang energies and their interactions. Gratitude and deep appreciation for a

Creative and Destructive force is at play because even though we do not know with certainty of these unfolding

dynamics,we can all agree to their prowess, magic an evolutionary Truth.


As a healer and Doctor of Oriental Medicine, it is my pleasure and with deep indebtedness to my teachers, guides

and Creator to strive to hold a place for the Heart at the center of your healing journey.

Scientific and Methodical – Yes!

Spirt and Energy- Also Yes!

It is a Brave New World for those looking to conquer their demons and move into radical good health and well –


It is my highest honor to help you heal and be of service on your unique path.


The Spirit has so many definitions and connotations in Chinese Medicine.

The wonderful Elizabeth Rochat provided this translation of Su Wen 26 originally done by P. Unschuld

Su Wen 26

(Huang) Di : What does ‘spirit’ mean ?

Qi Bo : Please, let me speak about the spirit. The spirit, ah! the spirit! The ears do not hear (it). When the (physician’s) eyes are clear, his heart is open and his mind goes ahead, he alone apprehends (it as if it were) clearly perceivable. But the mouth cannot speak (of it). Everyone looks out, (but) he alone sees (it). If one approaches it, it seems to be obscure, (but to him) alone it is obvious (as if it were) clearly displayed. As if the wind had blown away the clouds. Hence one speaks of a ‘spirit (shen 神)’.

帝曰.何謂神. 岐伯曰.請言神.神乎神. 耳不聞. 目明心開. 而志先. 慧然獨悟. 又弗能 言. 俱視獨見. 適若昏. 昭然獨明. 若風吹雲. 故曰神

The fact is, for nourishing the spirit (yang shen 養神), one must know whether the physical appearance is fat or lean and whether the camp and the guard [qi], the blood and the qi(xue qi 血 氣), abound or are weak. Blood and qi, [they are] the spirit (shen 神) of man; it is essential to nourish them carefully
