When you go looking for the Wizard, You may just find Yourself

Dr Keith Loop Chinese Medicine, Energy Medicine, General Blog, Philosophy, Spirituality & Consciousness

Dr. Loop, OMD Off to See the Wizard. mov.

The Wizard of Oz & Chinese Medicine….Any Correlation? 

There is meaning everywhere when you open your heart and mind.  In fact, in Chinese medical theory, microcosms of universal functioning can be found anywhere, like on the scalp, ear, abdomen and yes, perhaps even in a classic story and film.

I loved “The Wizard of Oz” as a child (story by Frank Baum).  I realized the archetypical undercurrents much later in life and continue to see so many messages each time I re-visit this classic. As a Dr. of Oriental Medicine, I often see correlations for healing and insight using the amazing platform of Chinese medicine in so many areas of the body, but also in dreams, relationship patterns, choices in movies, travel or in our deepest longings.

In Chinese medicine, emotions play a significant role in our lives, particularly in the course of our imbalances and states of dis-ease. Emotions can be in “excess” or “deficiency” states and the quality of qi in these dynamics will affect the organ and meridian systems in a myriad of ways. Balancing the emotions not only calms the mind, but in our potential quest to heal our deficiencies and excesses, we are brought back into balance and right relationship with our ourselves, friends, family, dharma, destiny, and Divine Creator.

In Chinese Medicine, we have 5 elements that correlate to organ systems, colors, bodily tissues, emotions, 5 senses, foods etc. When we undertake a healing journey within ourselves, we commit to going on a journey to understand ourselves better and how the triggers of our life unfold in real time. These journeys can be painful, insightful and transformational. However, we also can choose to deny, suppress or repress this knowledge and live lives that are framed from these limited states. We have free will to make the choices necessary to understand ourselves on increasing deeper and deeper cellular levels. We can also choose not to make these journeys out of fear, anger or blame. We might choose to arrive at a philosophy that does not seek to understand deeper truths or connections.

Whatever our choices, Nature is the great equalizer. Energy does not discriminate but unfolds according to fundamental scientific and universal laws. Energy unfolds within us in dynamic, mysterious and transformative ways. One reason I love Chinese medicine so much is that it seeks to understand the relationships and dynamic unfolding of energy in our individual lives. No belief required. By balancing this energy we can heal what needs to be healed and learn to let go what we cannot control or understand. The quality of energy body often reflects the quality of how we identify and process emotions. When clarity arises, insight dawns and the Will of Heaven aligns so effortlessly we cannot help but follow it.

Back to the Wizard!!!

The 5 elements can be applied to main characters in the Wizard of Oz.

Of course, this is not a complete or perfect lens because any paradigm or microcosm is subjective. It is interpreted through the lens of the perceiver. And there are so many lenses to try on!


Our lovely protagonist who is kind, level-headed, straight-forward, somewhat feisty with a touch of naivety. Yet she is brave to undergo a journey into the unknown to seek answers in order to return back “home”. Home is our Earth. This is the Spleen/Stomach paradigm in Chinese Medicine. Dorothy is prone to worry on her journey which is the main emotion of a deficient “Spleen.” Yet she meets other lovely friends who are also seeking answers to their “deficient” qualities on their unique journey. She integrates and supports them in this healing quest as well. Transformation and Digestion of our food, thoughts and experiences are integral to any healing body or journey. Dorothy ultimately integrates these diverse experiences and finds the balance and peace that places her front and center into a state of deep gratitude.


The scarecrow thinks he has no brain. All we have to do is look to even our current political climate to understand how we judge others as irrelevant, uneducated, ignorant etc. Both sides of the spectrum seem to do this. The brain is an extraordinary organ in Chinese medicine and has deeper connections to the Kidney, marrow. and water element. We are often smarter than we realize and have perennial wisdom when we trust our bones and move into our fears with humility and grace. Fear is the emotion of the Kidney and Water and also holds the deep mystery of our life. In connecting to our true source of power by aligning to the deep Zhi or wisdom of the Kidneys and Pre-natal Qi, we discover a reservoir of courage that allows us to stand up for ourselves and others from a place of love and devotion.


The Tinman is rusted out and looking for a heart and lubrication. He might represent those in society that have been dehumanized or mistreated in some fashion where self-worth has been gradually chipped away over time. He is in search of a Heart, the great lubricator and sovereign connector of all the organ, tissue and vascular body systems. It is the Heart that holds the keys to our life purpose and mission. The spiritual heart aligns with Heaven. An overly emotional heart can cloud our purpose and its acute understanding. Even a lifelong hardened exterior can soften in the face of a surrendered ego.


The Lion is seeking courage. According to Chinese medicine, this can relate to the element of wood, and particularly the Gallbladder, as the yang organ counterpart to the Wood yin of our Liver. The Kidney Water can also relate to the Will function but on existential level. The courage or will to seek out what we are missing and implement it in our life is a scary journey.  An Excess of will can lead to over biliary type of person that can cause a hyper-inflated ego or states of continual tension and stress. The Liver is like a General in an army who holds the plans responsible for a mission- or  the smooth flow of Qi and our ability to balance our emotions and ride the waves of life to a pertinent end. The Gallbladder is like a foot-soldier that carries out commands with courage, will and purpose.


The mighty Wizard of Oz controls by fear and false power and we come to know the true lack of power he ultimately has used in deceptive and secretive ways to hide the Truth. The Lung function is Metal and can be controlling, discerning and deals with Power (a form of Qi in the body complex). The Lung is in charge of our energy, respiration and Qi and how this rhythm creates new and ongoing cycles. The Lung is actually “the most sensitive organ” in Chinese medicine. It breathes us into existence and deeply informs our corporeal life. The tendency to judge, label and isolate others and self are metal qualities as is the emotion of grief and loss. The refinement of our internal rhythms captivate us a sensitive architects of our life and prime leaders of necessary vital functions.



Do you trust yourself? Are you afraid to follow your deeper callings, wisdom or insights?

Do you integrate the lessons and teachings of your life? Do you Blame others for you current state of affairs?

Is worry and overthinking an ongoing process about your choices or the actions of others?

Who will you trust on your journey to help you uncover the deeper Truths of Your life or how to balance the various things that go awry in the body-mind-spirit complex? Are you an island to yourself? or part of a bigger picture?

How will you summon the integration of any comrades, kindred spirits, partners or healers to forge your personal journey of healing, Truth and greater awareness?

Are you deceiving yourself in any way? How do you avoid discomfort or try to shift the blame.


How can surrender your Ego and Desires more and more and Trust the flow of life?

Can you soften your Will to align with the greater good?  Can you humble yourself or let others shine?

Do you harbor disdain or deep disappointment in others or yourself? Can you find the good in someone?

Are you engaging and listening to the deeper callings of your body? Mind? Spirit? Do you know how to listen and let go?


Can you learn to Let Go and Let God? (higher power, higher vibration etc).

Do you let others dictate your health or health choices? Where in your life do you abdicate your Will? Who has the power over your body? Your time? Your energy? How might you re-establish rhythm in the face of chaos? What gives you balance?

Do your respect the choices and action of others?

What does inappropriate action mean in your life? Can you find sacred threads that tie you to the Whole of Life?

What would right action and lifeblood and connection mean to you?


Can you allow yourself to grow in the direction of your greatest good? Can you strategize and move in right direction?

Do you have the stamina and will to keep going in the face of adversity? or do you collapse at the first sign of struggle?\

Do you have the courage to make the necessary changes to your life, relationships and pertinent choices that galvanize your healing? How do you kill your ambitions or dreams?


Look at your reality at the moment, and how is power being dictated in your life? By whom or what?

Are you worried about the current state of affairs and feel a lack of control? What steps can you take to regain a sense of empowerment? are you discerning?

How often do you judge yourself or others? Do you find yourself labelling others as a way to avoid further understanding? How sensitive are you to the energy of others? Their advice or critiques?

What does it mean to protect yourself or others?


I am honored to assist you in re-balancing your body-mind-spirit complex.

As a Doctor of Oriental medicine, I am objectively trained to read and treat patterns and energetic states as they relate to dis-ease in the body, mind and spirit.

Yet the art and science of Chinese medicine also brings to light the subjective experience and nature of the Doctor since the energetic exchange can be paramount in engaging the medicine on deeper levels.

As a Master Bodywork & Yoga therapist and an Ayurvedic Practitioner with over 20 years of practical experience and spiritual cultivation I aspire to bring a deep sense of “emptiness” to the treatment room in order to foster an atmosphere of trust, courage and deep insight to aid you on your journey. The Intersection of Doctor and Patient is a sacred space where service and healing merge so that miracles unfold.


PRIVATE HEALING SESSIONS using acupuncture, herbal medicine, medical qigong, PEMF & sound therapy

TELEMEDICINE CONSULTATION for herbal medicine & dietary, lifestyle and meaningful living & coaching

SEMINAR, TEACHING & SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS on Chinese & Ayurvedic Medicine, Healing, Emotions and Spiritual health